So besides the cake, there were lots of other good things:
· Public comment included comments about 1) the use and fees of Olmscheid Auditorium and 2) benchmarks for higher-achieving students.
· The high school’s ASB report covered Senior Night for fall sports, the beginning of winter sports, a leadership retreat, and the plans for an all-league dance with the proceeds going to charity.
· The high school boys basketball team requested and got the green light to attend a basketball camp in San Diego over the holiday break. Funds are raised by the students and they have to pay for their own meals.
· Ms. Rau presented the St. Helens Middle School Improvement Plan. The goals are to 1) improve communication among staff and between home and school; 2) see a 5% increase of students entering the 9th grade placing into Algebra 1; and 3) see a 5% increase in the number of students passing the 7th grade benchmark in writing. For more complete data about the MS plan, check the official minutes or talk to school administration.
· Ms. Hagen presented the St. Helens High School Improvement Plan. The goals are to 1) see a 5% increase in the number of students meeting the state reading standard and the same increase in writing; 2) see a 5% increase in the number of students meeting the state math standards; and 3) see a decrease in the number of students who are truant, drop out or enter a 5th year of high school. For more complete data about the HS plan, check the official minutes or talk to school administration.
· Ms. Grogan presented the Columbia County Education Center Improvement Plan. The goals are to 1) see a 5% increase in the number of 10th grade students who pass the state writing assessment; 2) see a 5% increase in the number of 10th grade students who pass the state math assessment; and 3) see a 5% increase in the number of 10th grade students who pass the state reading assessment. For more complete data about CCEC’s plan, check the official minutes or talk to school administration.
· There will be district-wide safety audit (including noise levels) on November 19 and 20, which will be conducted by the insurance risk division of Special Districts. Results are expected back by the end of the year.
· Previously mentioned new policies, policy revisions, and policy deletions had their third readings and were adopted unanimously.
The next regular board meeting will be November 10 at the regular time and place. Hopefully with cake.