"God must love the common man, He made so many of them..." Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Resolution Time

Well, whaddya know…’tis the season once again for making those pesky New Year’s resolutions.

Growing up, Mom would encourage me to set out some goals for the year. Good grades, a clean room, and no fighting with my brothers constituted the usual and customary list. I was usually pretty good at keeping those resolutions, too – right up to January 3rd. As an adult, my annual resolutions have nearly always included losing weight and exercising more. And I do great – right up to January 3rd. Oh well. I just do resolutions my way. In honor of my fine make-it-and-break-it resolution tradition, enjoy these…

Happy New Year's resolutions, everybody!


Anonymous said...

I love the pics...LOL!

Johnson Family said...

I laughed so hard. We have a fat cat who likes to pig out on her food since Luke was born...she is now on a diet.